Saturday, September 20, 2008

How this Journal should work

The Purpose
We want to provide the most accurate information about Donna and her progress through her treatment. We know the facts can get turned around when many people are in the information chain, so we thought this would be a good way to keep things straight. This way, people can go back and check things, and print things, and read things again.

The Calendar
I've made up a Google calendar for Donna's appointments. It is all the way to the bottom of the page. You'll be able to see all of her past, present, and future appointments when they become available. I'll do my best to keep up with all of them, as there have been quite a few in the past couple of weeks. This will be good for people to look at and pray for us during these appointments, like on her chemo days, and the days after her chemo days (which are the harder ones), and any upcoming appointments we may have. Thanks in advance for your support and prayers!

You can click between a WEEKLY or MONTHLY view. The default is the monthly, but you will get more detail if you click on the AGENDA tab

The Updates
Normally, Donna will post things about her appointments and any test results or new information. She's the best at it, as she is the smarter of the two. Scott does go to most of the appointments to take notes, but seems to miss some things when they talk about the appointments later. She does the best with what she has to work with :).

Scott will add some posts from time to time, and we'll probably get some input from the girls.

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