Friday, October 31, 2008

No Chemo Today

I went. I tried. I failed the test.

My white blood cell count was too low for me to get chemo today. My oncologist said that I'll get it next Friday, and possibly the two weeks following. I am disappointed, but my liver enzymes have fallen a little, so the chemo seems to be doing what it is supposed to do. I got a shot of Neupogen to boost the white blood cells so I have some protection if I'm out in public this weekend.

It was encouraging to log on and see so many comments from all of you! Thank you for your prayers. We had a good conversation with Lisa, my chemo nurse. Her son, Timmy, had fallen out of the back of a moving Jeep, resulting in a serious head injury. The doctors had told her that he might require 6 months of rehab and therapy, but after 3 weeks he appears to be making a full recovery. God answers prayer!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


My last scheduled chemo is tomorrow morning at 9:30. We are hoping to chat with my oncologist. We think that I'll be scheduled for another CT scan in the next couple of weeks to see if the chemo has been effective. We don't really know what to expect beyond that. I have been feeling good, but I'm tired of being tired! Please pray that my blood tests are good tomorrow. Also pray for my chemo nurse, Lisa, and her son, Timmy, who is 11 years old. He suffered a serious head injury with a fractured skull and spent several days in the hospital. I don't know any details, but I know it was a traumatic time for both of them.

I'll update when we get home from my appointment. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cleaning for a Reason

A dear friend registered my name online with an awesome organization called Cleaning for a Reason. They called Clarkston Cleaning Service here in our town, and next Tuesday a crew of three ladies is coming to clean my house! This is a nationwide, free service to people currently getting cancer treatment. If you know anyone else who may need help, check out
www. . What a blessing!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


1 Corinthians 2:3

"And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling"

He is with us!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

We can not thank you enough

Donna and I are amazed, quite simply, at the support we've received from our family and friends.

We were talking last night about things... the economy, our girls, our situation, the upcoming election, God's provisions.

We feel so "taken care of" through the all the meals, the offers for all kinds of help, and the encouraging cards and emails. We wish we were able to repay all of you for everything you are doing for us! Sometimes, it is hard to "take" help when you don't want to appear weak or you feel you should be able to handle all that is coming your way.

But God is good! He provides. He has placed us in a family of believers that truly is a community. We are overwhelmed with the love and covering prayer from all of you! We want to tell you all how much we love you and appreciate you.

And we feel His peace. We have our moments, but overall, we know we are free.

Please keep praying for Donna and for the Dr.'s to come up with a plan that beats this thing!
Pray for the girls, that they would see Jesus in all this.

We are forever in your debt!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Day at the Spa

Actually, I'm getting chemo today.

When I had my first round of chemo, Scott and the girls came with me. There weren't many patients there, so my nurse let the girls sit in the recliners and watch movies, listening with headphones. She covered them with warm blankets and gave them root beer to drink. She gave them pink backpacks full of little goodies. At one point, Emily looked over at me, smiled and said, "We're doing this for you, Mom!"

Please pray for my blood work today. We want high numbers for white and red blood cells, but very low numbers for liver enzymes. I'll update later... Thank you!

UPDATE: I'm feeling good today. My red and white blood cell counts were very good. I was disappointed because the liver enzymes were slightly higher than they have been, but my oncologist wasn't concerned and expects them to go back down.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Me?

A couple of people have asked if I ever question, "Why me?"

Yes, I do. Here are some of my recent thoughts...

Why was I born in this country, where the latest in medical technology is so readily available? People as close as Canada (50 miles from here) are waiting months to get a biopsy, then just as long to start treatment, so why was I able to start chemo the day after this diagnosis?

In a state where many have lost their jobs, why do I have medical insurance to help us pay for all of this?

Why me? I was born into a wonderful family, married the man of my dreams and have been given two healthy, beautiful daughters. Why have I been given the privilege of being not only their mother, but their teacher as well, spending every precious day with them?

Why do I not worry about my family having food to eat, clothes to wear and shelter?

Why have I been surrounded by friends, family and neighbors who are willing to sacrifice their time and resources to help us? Many in this same situation feel alone and overwhelmed, yet we are supported and encouraged every day.

Do I ask, "Why me?" You bet I do!

Please read Matthew 6:25- 34 and be encouraged!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Romans 8:23-25

23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

...Lord, give us patience

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Update

This has been another beautiful Michigan fall day! It's evening, and I'm just now starting to feel the effects of my chemo from yesterday. These drugs don't cause nausea, and I don't have any pain at all. In fact, I feel really good except that I'm getting "foggy" and tired. I'm actually glad that it's getting dark earlier these days because I don't feel guilty about wasting daylight if I go to bed early! The girls had a great time spending the night with a cousin at Mom and Dad's house last night, but they are tired too, so we will all get to bed early. Thank you for praying and encouraging us in so many ways. Words cannot express...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Family Day

Well, it's not quite the same as Germany, but we had a wonderful time in Frankenmuth yesterday. It was a beautiful day. We ate some famous chicken, we shopped and played.

Here's Emily in her wax lips...

It had been a long time since I played with a hula hoop. That's probably a good thing.

I'm off to get chemo and two other infusions today. We have more photos to share, so we'll edit this post later today. Thank you for your prayers, support and comments!

Playin' Hooky!

Since I didn't have chemo last week, and I'm scheduled to get more tomorrow, we decided to take advantage of my last high-energy day for awhile. Scott took the day off and we're skipping school for a fun family day. We'll share details and photos later today!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Miss It!

Cancer clarifies.

My perspective about what is important and what is not important changed with my first diagnosis. It becomes more obvious to me each day. Time with my family is important. Relationships are important. Heart-to-heart conversation is important. Eternity is important.

"Things" are not important. Status is not important. Pop culture is not important. Being first is not important. Busy-ness is not important.

When I see people who are chasing those things, I want to yell, "Stop! You're missing it! Slow down. Don't miss it!"

I'm grateful that cancer clarifies.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"I believe; help my unbelief!"

Mark 9:22-23

"But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” 23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Friday, October 10, 2008

Church Signs

Do you ever wonder why some churches put such cheezy sayings on their signs?

I was made aware of a website, where you can make your own and put a customized message on it. I did this for my girls this morning, and I told them that they had to look at these signs I just happened to find on the internet.

Now, our church, does not have one of these signs, but I used our church name anyway. The girls thought they were real and the look on their faces was so funny.

I first did one for Rachel...

Then one for Emmy...

They were both so surprised to see the signs with their names on it... That's when the fun started!

They both got into it. Emily did one (but we didn't save it). Rachel, our 11 year old, is so funny sometimes. Here's her's... notice the LONG service time! :).

Try it out...!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thank You!

Things have been going well! Donna is feeling good, but really tired. She has no chemo treatment this week so she can build back up her strength and white blood cell count.

Today she is going to get her blood checked as part of the routine.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. We definitely feel the covering prayer from all of you!

The meals have been great too! Both Donna and I truly appreciated them. I'm getting a little tired of Filet Mignon every other day though! Whew! ;)



Sunday, October 5, 2008


Psalm 20:7

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." (ESV)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

3 Down

It's a beautiful fall Saturday morning, and we are planning a trip to the cider mill this afternoon!

I had my third chemo yesterday, along with a new drug called Avastin. My liver enzyme numbers are nearing the normal range, so the chemo continues to do what it's supposed to do. This morning I'm not feeling any side effects of the drugs, but I have a terrible cold and my hair is falling out all over the place. I slept for 12 hours, and will probably need a little nap this afternoon, but I'm very thankful to be feeling so well.

My thought for the day: Chemo nurses are underpaid... Mine are wonderful!

Thank you for visiting and continuing to pray for us. Let us know you've been here by leaving a comment.

Here's new picture of the wonderful cards we've received...
My Calender has also been updated. I'm now scheduled to get chemo on Fridays.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun Times

We wanted to share some fun pictures with you all. We took these last night. Donna wanted to get some good pictures with the girls. Here is the first one. This is the good one.
This next one is Biscuit using his "evil powers" to try and make me get a treat for him.
Then the fun one, where they are pretending to be on a roLLer coASTer.

And finally, one with Scott, and his uncanny ability to close his eyes each time there is a camera flash. It's unmatched!

Again, we thank you all for praying for us. We know the Lord is with us and we are under His care.

Donna goes for her 3rd chemo tomorrow. Pray that it goes well and that she feels good in the days after.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mid-week Update

The chill in the air confirms that October is here! We are doing well. I haven't had any side-effects of the chemo except that I feel like I could take a nap at any time. My goal is to put my energy into schooling and enjoying the girls. The meals that our friends are providing three days a week are a huge blessing! My hair started to fall out a little bit today. We are scheduled to have a family portrait taken for the church directory on Tuesday, so I'm really hoping to have some left by then. Please pray that the chemo will continue to be effective, and that we will focus on God's Sovereignty and love for us! Thank you!