Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Update

This has been another beautiful Michigan fall day! It's evening, and I'm just now starting to feel the effects of my chemo from yesterday. These drugs don't cause nausea, and I don't have any pain at all. In fact, I feel really good except that I'm getting "foggy" and tired. I'm actually glad that it's getting dark earlier these days because I don't feel guilty about wasting daylight if I go to bed early! The girls had a great time spending the night with a cousin at Mom and Dad's house last night, but they are tired too, so we will all get to bed early. Thank you for praying and encouraging us in so many ways. Words cannot express...


Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers!

Jay and Dianne

Anonymous said...

We love you Donna, and are praying for you daily.

Durwood and Stephanie

Anonymous said...

i "live" for your posts....xoxoxoxo and hugs and prayers and kombucha haha....may start making some again..i am getting way too many colds...cheers and prayers, sonia