Friday, October 31, 2008

No Chemo Today

I went. I tried. I failed the test.

My white blood cell count was too low for me to get chemo today. My oncologist said that I'll get it next Friday, and possibly the two weeks following. I am disappointed, but my liver enzymes have fallen a little, so the chemo seems to be doing what it is supposed to do. I got a shot of Neupogen to boost the white blood cells so I have some protection if I'm out in public this weekend.

It was encouraging to log on and see so many comments from all of you! Thank you for your prayers. We had a good conversation with Lisa, my chemo nurse. Her son, Timmy, had fallen out of the back of a moving Jeep, resulting in a serious head injury. The doctors had told her that he might require 6 months of rehab and therapy, but after 3 weeks he appears to be making a full recovery. God answers prayer!


Anonymous said...

How weird is it that we're bummed that you DIDN'T have chemo today? Crazy. Oh, well...the good news is: HSM3, here we come! lol

SO glad Lisa's son is doing well!


Anonymous said...

Donna, You're such an inspiration to me, and I'm sure so many people and I want to thank you and let you know you continue to be in my prayers. mary jo in Little Rock

Jess said...

Well, definitely not the results that we may have been wanting, but God is being glorified through it all. So glad to hear that you had a good conversation with Lisa, and that her son is doing so much better than expected. Praise the Lord! Enjoy HSM3, and have a great weekend!

Much love!

Anonymous said...

Dear Donna,

In a very round about way, I received a copy of Gail's prayer letter, which led me to your blog! The amazing thing is, I have had you on my mind for the last few weeks! So what a blessing to be able to log on, see how you're doing, and be able to pray for you intelligently! I so enjoyed our lunch a while back at Red Knapps! When you're feeling up to it, we'll have to do that again! We'll be praying for you, that you are strong and immune and protected so you can continue the chemo, and that it completely wipes this out! You sound so upbeat that I can't imagine how powerful your testimony will be in complete victory! Hang in there, we're praying!

By Him and 4Him

Gwen Stewart said...


God bless you. I find your blog so encouraging that I'm wondering if you mind if I post a link to it on my writer's blog? I don't have that many readers, but the few I have are faith-filled Christians who would love to pray for you. And this blog is such a powerful witness that I want to do what I can to share it.

Please let me know. I won't post one until you get back with me. God bless you all today.

Gwen Stewart said...

Scott and Donna,

After asking about the link, I felt urged to write a piece in your honor on my own blog. I pray for you all daily, and my writing exudes from that which occupies my mind and prayers. Donna, I use only your first name in the post, and will not post a link until you say I can. I hope that my words are acceptable to you--though my words are humble and lowly, they are heartfelt. But if you rather have me remove the post, I will do so.

God bless you all. See you later today.