Friday, December 12, 2008

Between a rock and a hard place

Donna and the girls went to Henry Ford Museum yesterday. They had a great time with another homeschooling family. They said there are some cool new exhibits there right now. The girls particularly like the "Star Wars" stuff, since we recently introduced them to the IV, V, and VI series.

On the ride home from there (around 4pm), Donna was not feeling right. She was having some pretty severe waves of pain in her abdomen. She took a bath which helped, and waited to see if it would go away. Around 6:30 pm, she'd had enough, so we called my mom to come and get the girls (Thanks Mom!) and I took her to the emergency room. We were a little sad because we were scheduled to go and watch Emily's ballet practice, as it was parent watch night. But Emily came up with the great idea of Rachel videoing the practice with her new camcorder she got for her birthday.

After waiting a couple of hours in the ER and getting an X-ray and a CT scan, it was determined she has a 7mm kidney stone! Yikes.

She stayed overnight and finally got into a room around 5am today.

So, here's the deal as it is right now.

She was scheduled for chemo today. Her chemo Dr. came and saw us this morning in the hospital just as we were wondering what was going to happen with that today. He basically said that she would not be getting her chemo today, based on the timing of the procedure for the kidney stone. She will get in on Monday instead.

She is scheduled to get a stent put in to help move the kidney stone more down the path. Because of where it is located, they need to do this before they can zap it and break it into smaller pieces.

She may need to spend another night in the hospital, but we will wait to see. I'll update more later, as I'm working from the hospital as well (as much as I can).

Please pray for this wonderful woman… she knew something was not right and wondered why she was not feeling quite right over the last couple of days. We are rejoicing that this is not due to her liver and that it can be taken care of quickly.

Be back later…



Anonymous said...
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David said...

My wife, oddly enough, after 2 years of chemo had kidney stones as well.

Anonymous said...

Lifted you in prayer!
Hearing you went to Henry Ford yesterday. Brings back memories of our many trips there together. Now you are there with your own girls! How wonderful. Pray you are out of pain now. Kidney stone will be gone!!!!