We got a foot of snow here today! It's beautiful and the girls enjoyed playing in it.

At my appointment with the urologist, I found out that the kidney stone has not passed yet. He believes it is broken into bits, but it sure looks whole on the x-ray. He couldn't remove the stent, so the pain continues. The medication he gave me for the pain makes me very sleepy. So much for my plan to do some baking, wrapping and laundry today, but I had a great nap!
We are just about ready for Christmas. I've had to change some of my expectations, and I've done less than I normally would, but it will be wonderful just the same. I'll get chemo on Tuesday, so I should still feel pretty good for Christmas, as long as this kidney stone is gone. Thank you for continuing to pray for our family.
Man alive, can you believe the snow? It's beautiful!! I enjoyed playing in it as well. I'll definitely be praying that this stone passes SOON!! Let's get together soon! I've been sick, otherwise I would have called a couple weeks ago. Unfortunetly, upper resp. stuff tends to stay with ya for awhile. uuggh! Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Much love, and I'm prayin' for ya!
I wish I lived nearer to you, I'd come help you with your baking, laundry and wrapping. You could just tell me what to do and I'd do it! Hope the kidney stone passes soon!
We could be baking buddies again! I miss you terribly!
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