Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Midweek Update

It's a beautiful day here in Michigan... sunny and 70 degrees! We're going to enjoy it while we can, because I just heard that we're expecting a mix of rain and snow on Saturday.

As part of the Cleaning for a Reason program, Clarkston Cleaning Services came and cleaned my house yesterday. They did a super job, and I'm so thankful! I'm embarrassed to say that some things are much cleaner than they were when I was perfectly healthy. Farewell, dust bunnies!

It has been 11 days since my last chemo treatment, and I feel great! I'll get another treatment on Friday, then schedule a CT-scan for follow-up. I'm expecting that there will be more treatment after that, but I'm not sure what it will be.

Please pray for good blood test results on Friday, and that I would spend my energy wisely. Pray for my family, and praise God for meeting all of our needs. Thank you!


David said...

Lots of prayers headed your way!

snaphorse said...

I miss you terribly, but am so glad that we talked today! You are such an encouragement to me! How wonderful is a friend who "gets" you! You are never far from my prayers and thoughts! May we bring God alone glory! I love you!

Jess said...

Yay for a clean house. So thankful that they are doing that for you. What a blessing! :) I'll be praying Friday, and for the family too...I know it's hard, but hang in there! I love you guys!! Enjoy the warmth! It was warm here in Chicago lovely!

Anonymous said...

Sending you my love from afar today.

Anonymous said...

Lifting you in prayer for tomorrow. Wonderful the dust bunnies said adios!

Anonymous said...

My Love and Prayers are with you now and always.
Aunt Cappy

Gwen Stewart said...


You are in my prayers. I'm thinking of you daily and hoping your tests came out well.

God bless you all.