Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Night Update

My chemo appointment on Friday went well. My liver enzymes were back down, so my sister and I celebrated with some hot cocoa from Starbucks and a stop at Target. 'Tis the season!

My white blood count was a little low, so Scott has injected me with two shots of Neupogen this weekend. When he did the first one yesterday, it didn't hurt at all, so I was sure I could do it myself today. Needles really don't bother me anymore, yet I found it impossible to inject myself! Scott actually seems to enjoy it a little, and he does a good job. My wonderful chemo nurse, Lisa, was willing to come out both days and do it for us if we preferred. She does far more than her job requires, and I thank God for her.

A radiologist was comparing my last two CT-scans on Friday, so we should get another report when we see my oncologist tomorrow afternoon. We don't expect to hear any new or significant news, but I'll update tomorrow evening anyway.

I'm feeling well, except for some aching bones caused by the shots. It's really cold in Michigan this weekend, so I'm headed to the sofa to snuggle with my family. What could possibly be better?


Jess said...

There is nothing better than snuggling with those you love....especially on these chilly days!! Starbucks and Target. Seriously, is there anything better? Glad you were able to get out and enjoy! I am ready to take on the shopping season Friday well before the crack of dawn! :) Have a great and uplifting week! Much love!

Jaina said...

Snuggling with loved ones is the best thing ever. Sounds like everything is going well, I'm glad to hear the positive updates.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your site. I have been thinking of you everyday but I didn't want to keep stopping by or calling for fear of bugging you when you were teaching or not feeling well.
If you need help with shots just let me know. I can stop by anyday.
I'm glad to hear that you are doing OK. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.