Sunday, November 2, 2008


Acts 15:31

31 And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement.

We are encouraged by all of you and your comments and cards. And we know we are not in this thing alone.

We know we have a great and mighty King who knows us and loves us... individually. He knows what Donna is going through. He has put her here. And we trust Him, because we know he loves us with a perfect love. A love we cannot always understand.

It is hard sometimes. Very hard. The kind of hard where we want to give up and run away. But, we don't. We lean on Him and "re-trust" Him.

Thank you all for your encouragement!! We thank God for you!



Amy Deardon said...

Dear Scott and Donna, I wish there were something to be said that would make your circumstances more bearable, but there are some things that just can't be understood. This world, weighted by sin, is so hard. There is nothing except to wait, and bear up, and hope for better things in this life or the next. Paul writes, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18, NIV) God is Lord of all, and although we don't understand we can trust Him.

Your beautiful testimony is inspiring to many -- you are touching many for the Kingdom.

Unknown said...

Even tho it was many years ago, I remember clearly those emotions when Bill went thru radiation and then chemo. I know what you mean when you want to run away - you wish so much for one plain ordinary uneventful day - one when your stomach isn't in knots :) We're praying for you every evening
Tell Emily we also loved her music this morning

Carol & Bill

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you and praying for you daily. Brandon/Ortonville Relay for life planners have started up again determined as ever raise awareness and raise funds to help with the finacing of cancer research. I am not sure if I am up to coordinating the event again but when I stop an think about "What can I do that may make a difference in fighting cancer, I am drawn back to volunteering in this way." We are all trying in our own ways to "battle" agaisnt cancer. I hope you will be up to the relay this coming summer. In the mean time you know we are all keeping you close at heart in prayer. Love, Loli & Matt