Friday, February 6, 2009

U of M

Oh, where to begin.

The last two days have been very tiring. I'm not sure I'll be able to get all the details down, because my thoughts are somewhat scattered, but I thought I needed to get out a post, because I'm sure there are people wondering how it is going.

Yesterday, we went to the U of M Cancer Center to get a 2nd opinion on Donna's situation. We had gone there before when Donna had her 2nd bout with cancer. We were going to see the same Dr. this time too. I could go into a lot of the details about what the Dr. said, but I'm going to give the bottom line. The Dr. basically said that Donna's liver is in bad shape. How bad, I cannot gauge exactly, but when doctors say it is not good, then you know it is really not good. Regardless of how her liver got bad, the fact now is that chemo may hurt her as much as it helps at this point. We always knew that chemo would be hard on the liver, and has the potential to "tax" the liver whenever chemo is given. That is the bottom line from the U of M.

Today I talked with our main oncologist. We agreed that that the best thing to do now is to see how Donna is responding to the new chemo over the next few days. If it seems like she is improving, then we will continue on the chemo regimen. If not, then we need to evaluate whether the dosage is reduced, or we take a break from chemo to see if things turnaround. Today she actually had a Boost shake and some raw milk for breakfast, and about 2/3 of another Boost around 3pm. This is significantly more than she has been eating over the last few weeks. I know that does not sound like a lot, and it isn't; so we are thankful that she's eaten that much today. We are going to try to get anything in her that she wants. She is still fighting nausea every once in a while; when it comes, it comes quickly.

The fluid build up has been greatly reduced since her last paracentesis, but not in the way you might think. They withdrew about 1-1/2 liters of fluid last Tuesday, but since then, she's been "leaking". There is a little drainage hole that did not get healed up, and the fluid is leaking out, pretty rapidly. So, we have to use an ostomy bag or other things to soak it all up. We are not sure when it will close up, but both St. Joe's, and U of M both looked at it.

We are still amazed and humbled at the number of people who are praying for Donna. Please don't stop! We covet your prayers. We are in the Valley of Vision... looking up for help.



Diana said...

Scott and Donna - We continue to lift you up and pray that you will be filled with the Joy of the Lord, and that he will be your strength. We are praying for healing and hope! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Scott and Donna,
Please be assured of our continued prayers. In the Valleys of Vision it is so hard to "see" God, but we pray He will make His Presence known to you as only He can.
We love you,
Kurt and Elaine

Jenney said...

I can't imagine what you guys are going through, but please know I am praying here in SW Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Praying to and trusting in the only One who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! May His truth be the rock you stand on. We love you more than words can say!

The Salvadors

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott, thanks for the update...I know you are tired...It is so appreciated..I can't be the only one checking morning,noon,and night for news. Breathing prayers for all of you. " what a mighty God we serve,what a mighty God we serve, angels bow before him, heaven and earth adore him...what a mighty God we serve." this chorus keeps running through my head. D.K

Anonymous said...

I too look at your post several times a day. We are praying.

The Lord will give strength to His people. The Lord will give His people peace. Psalm 29:11


Anonymous said...

Harvey Family (and extended family) we continue to PRAY for all of you. Thank you for keeping the post up to date. We monitor it daily and with each new post, comes a new prayer, with faith and trust for God's healing.

Janet said...

Stephanie go through to us of your urgent need for prayer right now. We are all praying down here.
-Your Aunt, Uncle Al & Nancy, Teresa, Alicia and Janet

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell us how Donna is?

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss O'Neal! My mom has been keeping me updated with all that's been going on with you. I just wanted to let you know that you were my absolute favorite teacher at OCS and I have such fond memories of 6th grade because of you. I know you were my brother's favorite teacher, too. I've been praying for you and your family.

Love, Emily (Romberger) Harrill