Cancer clarifies.
My perspective about what is important and what is not important changed with my first diagnosis. It becomes more obvious to me each day. Time with my family is important. Relationships are important. Heart-to-heart conversation is important. Eternity is important.
"Things" are not important. Status is not important. Pop culture is not important. Being first is not important. Busy-ness is not important.
When I see people who are chasing those things, I want to yell, "Stop! You're missing it! Slow down. Don't miss it!"
I'm grateful that cancer clarifies.
My perspective about what is important and what is not important changed with my first diagnosis. It becomes more obvious to me each day. Time with my family is important. Relationships are important. Heart-to-heart conversation is important. Eternity is important.
"Things" are not important. Status is not important. Pop culture is not important. Being first is not important. Busy-ness is not important.
When I see people who are chasing those things, I want to yell, "Stop! You're missing it! Slow down. Don't miss it!"
I'm grateful that cancer clarifies.
It kinda clarifies for us too. Going through it with you, I mean. That clarifies things for us, too. I'm sorry we have to learn through something that's so hard for you, but it makes us love you that much more. Just so you know.
I hear ya on that one! It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane things of life that consume our worldy minds, and forget those things most important in life. The things that are eternal, and have real value. I've thought a lot about that since returning from Africa. I've tried to focus more on relationships to love better, and spend quality time making those stronger.(which as you can tell I'm failing miserably with you) Our time is but a vapor...may we have Christ at the center of our focus always. What your sister said is so true...it does make us love you all the more for the fight you run with endurance. Thanks for the reminder today.
Thanks for your insight here! I have a Bible study in our home on Wed. morning and I used your statements about needing to clarify! Busyness can be such ....
Your title Living for the Line another way God is hitting home a truth to me. Doug Schmidt for the past two weeks has used this as an example. How we can't focus on the dot. Look at the entire line.
Neat to see how God is at work.
You are amazing!
Dianne S
Thank you for blessing me with this post today. I pray for you often and can't imagine your journey, but that you can find some silver lining is an amazing inspiration.
I know you have plenty of people to call upon. But if it's ever your GEMS night, and you're just not feeling great, please call me to sub for you, okay? Don't hesitate. I would consider it a joy to give you a restful evening at home while I take an extra GEMS turn. :)
God bless you.
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