Friday, October 24, 2008

Day at the Spa

Actually, I'm getting chemo today.

When I had my first round of chemo, Scott and the girls came with me. There weren't many patients there, so my nurse let the girls sit in the recliners and watch movies, listening with headphones. She covered them with warm blankets and gave them root beer to drink. She gave them pink backpacks full of little goodies. At one point, Emily looked over at me, smiled and said, "We're doing this for you, Mom!"

Please pray for my blood work today. We want high numbers for white and red blood cells, but very low numbers for liver enzymes. I'll update later... Thank you!

UPDATE: I'm feeling good today. My red and white blood cell counts were very good. I was disappointed because the liver enzymes were slightly higher than they have been, but my oncologist wasn't concerned and expects them to go back down.


Anonymous said...

Donna,the spirit in which you are handling all of this is amazing. God has given you the ability to look beyond yourself and encourage us all. You, Scott, and the girls are continually in our prayers. I show Grandma your blog when she is with us on Sundays and she is always asking me what is happening with you when I talk to her on the phone. We love you! Max, Karen, & Grandma

David said...

I know too well of praying for good blood work. My wife lays in a hospital bed for the 10th extended stay in 4 years battling blood cancer. This time an emergency tracheotomy was done to help her breathe around the tumor that blocks her throat.
I admire your spirit and strength.
I will be back!