Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another good news story!

Donna came back from the CT scan within an hour and a half.

On my way back from lunch, I saw the oncologist in the hallway and interrupted his conversation with another person to ask if he would be coming up to let us know of the results.

He said he would be up in a few minutes.

Here's what he said:
  1. There is a spot on her brain, but does not appear to be malignant! (positive for cancer)
  2. It appears to be calcified - if it were cancerous it would most likely not be calcified!
  3. With cancer, there would be swelling around the spot - there is no swelling!
  4. There is no mid-line shift in her brain - meaning the brain with shift off-center from the tumor (and the swelling) and the brain will not be "centered".

In other words, he said, it does not have any of the characteristics of malignant cancer in her brain!

This is great news!

We won't hear the other results until sometime tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the good news. We look forward to hearing more good news tomorrow :).
The Power of Prayer is Amazing.

Anonymous said...

That's Great News!! Thank You Lord!! Keep the Prayers strong.
Love you ...
Aunt Cappy

Jenney said...


Diana said...


Anonymous said...

Praise God!! Still praying for healing.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news Scott! Please give Donna a hug for me and tell her I love her very much. I will continue to pray for all of you, take care! Much love, Michelle

Easterday said...

Praise the Lord! He DOES hear prayers AND ANSWERS them. Keep lookin up.
Steve, Julie and Eric