Thursday, January 15, 2009

More fluids please

From Donna's appointment this morning...

Here are the Dr.'s observations:
  1. She is Jaundice
  2. There is slightly more fluid in the belly area. They are going to keep an eye on this. Nothing is going to be drained at this point.
  3. There is a rash around the belly area. We thought this was from all of the baths that Donna was taking. Whenever she is feeling kinda bad, she takes a bath to let everything "float". This brings some temporary relief. The Dr. is thinking the rash could be a liver rash or it could be from the chemotherapy. To help determine which, he has scheduled some blood work to be done on Monday.
  4. Chemo was scheduled for Monday, but now with the lab work being done then, it is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday. It depends on the results of the blood work.
I'm still with her at the hospital. They have internet access through some terminals here, that's how I'm able to update the blog from here. Kinda cool. They have wireless too, but I didn't bring my laptop, thinking we'd be outta her this morning.

They are going to give her more fluids today; with Potassium, but no more anti-nausea or pain meds at this point. This is going to take 2 - 3 hours.

More updates later...


Anonymous said...

Ah, guys, I am so sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital. How about a little funny. Listening to the radio the other day they were asking people about unusal pet names. Someone had adopted a dog whose name was "fire". One day fire ran out the door and the owner was yelling for it "Fire! Fire!" Just something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Donna I am thinking of you and your family. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers

Take care

Kim from St. Joesph (Kari's sister inlaw)