Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Keep on keeping on...

Please pray that Donna would be able to keep some food down. She is having a hard time finding anything that even sounds palatable while she has nausea.

Pray that her strength would return quickly and that this fluid build up would dissipate quickly too.

Today was a real hard day for her.


Anonymous said...

Donna, i just want you to know you are in my prayers and i hope you feel better soon, love Lisa miller

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of another struggle you are facing. I can't even imagine the strength it takes for the whole family to get through these hard times. I thought it was hard when my whole family had the flu over the weekend, but that doesn't even compare to what you have been through. We are praying for you for a quick recovery from this latest battle!
Love, The Weir's

Anonymous said...

You have been lifted. So wish I could give you my appetite girl!


Anonymous said...

We love you Donna & Scott! We think of you every day and send all of our support and positive vibes your way.
Malora, Dave, Michael, Kayla & Megan

Anonymous said...

Donna and Scott you are prayed for today. Thanks for the link for the information on ascites. I think I have lost my appetite reading about it. Donna is just going to have to lay off the bottle (the sirrosis thing hehe) Jesus, make my friend better and shower their home with your blessings and your strength.