Thursday, January 22, 2009

Down for the CT scan now

Donna is down for her CT scan right now. They are going from the pelvis all the way up to the brain.

She seems more alert to me today. Her mouth is still really sore. She said she is feeling better today. It seems like she is able to take more down, although, she did not have hardly anything for breakfast.

She took the CT contrast easily today, so that was an answer to prayer!

We were told by the ICU nurse that the results would be available today. I called our chemo nurse, and she said that the oncologist will be out this afternoon. This may be why he said he would discuss the results tomorrow at 5pm, but if we can, I'm pushing to find out today. The results will be what they will be, but I'd like to know today if I could.

If I find out today, you will too.

I know there are so many people praying for Donna and for me and the girls. That means so much to us. We thank you more than we can express.


Jess said...

PTL for the contrast to go down well! And thank you for keeping us posted. As I sat in the Doctor's office myself today, I couldn't keep my mind off of Donna, and prayed the entire time. Our God is mighty and able, and whatever the outcome, He is in full control. What a blessing that is to know! I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Kayla. i am Kayla (your neice's best friend). She told me your story and I am So sorry and Praying for you. Hope you get well soon.
~love always Kayla E. and Kayla Harvey (I love you!!)

Anonymous said...

Scott and Donna, Pastor Steve and I prayed for you this morning.