Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Last night was another rough night for Donna. She could not get comfortable, constantly nauseated, and unable to keep anything down.

This morning, she was not feeling any better, so I called the chemo nurses to see what could be done to get her feeling better. We got an appointment with the Dr.'s assistant (who Donna loves) to get a look at her and see what could be done to get her to feel better.

The Dr.'s assistant decided it would be a good thing to keep Donna all day. Get some fluid in her, get her some new nausea medication, and new pain medication.

She had been on Zomata for nausea, and was taking Ibrofen for slighter pain, Roxinal for more severe pain. The assistant thought that the ibprofen might be upsetting her stomach, so she put her on something else.

Thankfully, our good friend (and wonderful piano teacher) was able to take the girls this morning. That was truly a blessing. She had offered to come over to give the lesson today, but when she heard what were planning, she offered to keep the girls while we were at the appointment.

Please Pray:
  1. That God would be glorified in all this, above all.
  2. Donna would recover from this weak state and regain her strength and continue on her chemo regimen.
  3. The girls would be at peace with everything going on. (they are being wonderful with all the shuffling around lately)
  4. That I would be able to keep things together :)

We know that this is happening for a reason.


Just talked with the Dr. They are going to check on her again at 5:00pm to decide if she can go home for the night or if they will admit her to the hospital.

Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Scott and Donna,
Mom just recently told my about your blog page and I just found it this morning. I'll be praying with you all during this difficult time and may God richly bless you with His comfort and presence each minute of each day. Thank God for those friends who are helping out.
-your cousin Janet