Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good News!

Thank you all for the extra prayers yesterday. The results of the tests on the fluid from my belly was negative for cancer cells! That was great news. It means that we can stick to the chemo regimen that we've been doing. I was given a larger dose yesterday, and the doctors believe that the remaining fluid will dissipate on its own.

They also assured me that if fluid must be drained again, they will give me some "twilight" anesthesia so I won't experience the agony I had on Friday.

Please pray that the fluid will dissipate quickly, as this is causing constant nausea and frequent vomiting. I am very weak and need to keep some food down to regain my strength. I'm longing to feel well enough to do some of my "normal" activities as a wife/mom/teacher! Also pray for Scott. He is right by my side during all the rough times, and he is balancing his work and mine with strength, a smile and many encouraging words.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Donna and Scott too. Praise God, and rejoicing with you. Donna if anything...ANYTHING sounds remotely good just say the word....and " I'll be there" just don't ask me to sing it...o.k......I'd sing it for you if you wanted me to. D.K.

Anonymous said...

Longing to make you food, give you a hug, have a warm beverage with you, watch a movie with you, laugh and cry with you...the list could go on and on!!!!! However, I am resting in God's sovereignty in both of our lives, and His purposes! It is all for Christ's sake (Phil. 1:29)! I love you, my sister!


Anonymous said...

Yippee Skippy God hears our prayers! Praying for strength!


Anonymous said...

Oh this news makes me so Happy!! Keep up the good work, and get strong... I wish I was there when you start feeling better and I could cook for you.. I could fatten you up!.

Love and Prayers
Aunt Cappy

Jaina said...

This is great news!