Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Good news!

Just met with the Dr. Here's the highlights...

  1. White blood count is back to normal! (this is wonderful news! Also, we no longer have to wear masks when being in her room. We can kiss her face!)
  2. Lungs are good
  3. Heart is good
  4. Kidneys are good
  5. The liver is neither improving nor getting worse at this point.
  6. There is still some fluid on her belly. He did not say what was going to be done with this at this time.
  7. CT scan is being scheduled for tomorrow. (Using these results, they are going to reevaluate the chemo strategy. Pray that Donna will be able to take down the contrast that is needed to do the scan. She has not done well taking this down when she is healthy, let alone what it could be like now!)
  8. They are going to try and do some sort of treatments on the liver (non-chemo) while she is still in the hospital to see if they can improve it.
Your prayers are being answered!


Anonymous said...

Harvey' we love technology! This blog has been wonderful! Thank you for being so faithful to update it! I was reading to the kids from Hebrews today, and as I read the following verse, I felt like God said to send it to you...

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

Praise be to the One who is merciful, faithful and abundantly every good thing!

The Salvadors love the Harveys!

Anonymous said...

The Stobbes love the Harveys too and we are praying!

Praise God for the improvements!!!

Yippee Skippee!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Know that all of you are in our daily prayers.

amy@articulations said...

So glad to hear Donna is doing better. My CBS Leadership (Traverse City) has been praying for her.

Thanks for doing this blog so we can know more specifically how to pray and to rejoice with you:)

Amy Roth

Scott said...

Thanks you guys! She still has a long road ahead, but this is a major hurdle!

Anonymous said...

This sounds so good to me!! Good News for a change!! Yea!
I Love You
Aunt Cappy

Anonymous said...

Scott, Please give Donna a kiss from us and tell her how much we love her! You have all been in our thoughts and prayers so much these last days. We're so glad she's doing better!!

Love, Malora, David & kids