Saturday, January 17, 2009


Donna is still very groggy from the anti-nausea medication. Her mouth is still extremely sore. She is taking some medication for that as well to reduce the soreness. Hopefully this will clear up in a couple of days.

She is very thin right now. She did take in more fluids yesterday, some yogurt, soup, and a protein shake. This morning she had a few sips of coffee.

She has a rash around her mid-section and in some places on her back and neck. The Dr.s are going to try and determine if this is from the chemo itself, or from the liver.

An overzealous husband called our favorite chemo nurse this morning to see if she thought Donna was making good progress and to see if her current symptoms warranted another trip to the hospital. If she starts to feel any different (worse), then I'm going to take her in to the hospital.

Donna says she is feeling better than she looks. For me, this is hard to tell, since it is hard for her to talk and she is still foggy.

Again, we can't thank you all enough for the prayer support and the offers for help.

We are trusting in our Savior that His will is being worked out in all of this.


Anonymous said...

Donna and Scott,
You and your family are in my thoughts everyday. I pray for your comfort, health and happiness.
Love, Kari

Anonymous said...

You are all in my prayers and I pray that through all of this God would be glorified.
Your brother from another mother.

Anonymous said...

We think of you everyday and lift you up to the Lord for healing, and comfort. We're passing on our hugs.
Kirk & Linda

Anonymous said...

The Lord is Your Shepherd


Anonymous said...

Dear Donna and Scott,

You are both in our prayers and thoughts. I know your faith is strong; it will get you through this.

God Bless you both, and your beautiful girls!

Marg Bovan